Do not panic! If food allergies regularly affect babies and toddlers, various simple ways can be put in place to fix all this mess and soothe your loulou. Your leitmotiv in terms of food allergies: « prevention is better than cure »!  First reflex to adopt in case of suspicion of food allergy: to rethink fundamentally the family food.
Feeding baby month by month, first, but also yours, if you are nursing, or even about to give birth.


Signs and symptoms associated with a food allergy can occur within minutes, hours or days after ingesting an allergen.
The most frequent are:
* Eczema, urticaria, swollen red patches;
* Crying, irritability;
* Difficulty sleeping, rapid change in general condition
* Vomiting, repeated diarrhea, persistent constipation;
* Stunting or insufficient weight gain;
* Asthma, difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue and throat.

* asthme, difficultés à respirer, enflure des lèvres, de la langue et de la gorge.

Breastfeeding and allergies :
Studies have demonstrated a link between exclusive breastfeeding during the 4 to 6 months of lifetime allergy prevention. Adopting a special diet (eating restrictions or elimination) of the mother during pregnancy or lactation would not have a protective effect on food allergies, even if the child is at risk

Allergies and introduction of complementary foods

Baby is physically ready to eat complementary foods around 6 months. Moreover, early introduction of complementary foods – that is to say before the age of 4 months – would increase the risk of allergies, according to specialists.
However, contrary to what has long been recommended, delaying the introduction of certain foods beyond 6 months would not prevent the onset of allergies. There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate that the later introduction of allergenic foods would protect a child from allergies later on. On the contrary, it could even increase the risk.
However, you can take precautions to identify the food responsible for an allergic reaction. When your baby begins to eat solid foods, make sure to introduce only one food at a time. Start with 5 ml of puree and gradually increase the amount. It is not advisable to give it raw food when eating it for the first time. Cooking reduces the allergenic effect of foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
At first, avoid giving them foods that contain several allergens and wait 3 to 5 days before offering a new food. For example, if your child has allergy symptoms, you will know the cause.
If you think your child has had an allergic reaction to a food, it is important to consult a doctor or pediatrician for a diagnosis.

 The 4 main allergens

Starting from food diversification and up to 3 years, 4 of the main allergens are: cow’s milk protein, peanut, egg and fish. The symptoms may vary, but the solution remains the same: eviction of the allergen.
Here are some tips to avoid them :

Eggs (in the form of a hard-boiled egg) can be introduced to the baby’s diet from the age of 6 months. If an egg allergy is identified, you will need to look carefully at the labels of industrial food products as they may contain eggs.

This protein is found in cereals, such as rye, oats, wheat (and its derivatives namely wheat, spelt and kamut) and barley (the famous R.O.W.B)
As soon as a GLUTEN allergy is diagnosed, all products derived from these cereals must be banned.
Fortunately, the current regulations state that the presence of GUTEN should be noted in all preparations containing GLUTEN. Infant formula (before 4-6 months) does not contain it, but it is recommended to introduce it gradually around 6 months.

Yes, yes, it’s really peanut! Like egg and gluten, peanuts are present in many industrial preparations not dedicated to children. It is up to you to monitor the labels to track any presence if your child suffers from a peanut allergy.

Allergy to cow’s milk proteins is a common allergy especially in infants. The use of specific infant milks can ensure adequate milk intake for babies over 6 months, in addition to a diversified diet. The elimination of cow’s milk can sometimes be supplemented, under the control of the pediatrician, by calcium supplementation. If you have any doubts, ask your doctor for advice.

We find:
• Dried fruits (peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, walnuts …),
• Exotic fruits (kiwi, lychee, mango …),
• The seeds (poppy, sesame …),
• Modified proteins (textured soybeans, fish surimi …)
• Varied protein food additives (alpha-amylase, cochineal carmine, caseinates, vegetable gums, etc.),
• Legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, etc.),
• Umbelliferous (anise, angelica, carrot, chervil, coriander, cumin, fennel, parsley …)
• Rosaceae (strawberry, raspberry, apple, pear …),
• The group « latex » (banana, avocado, chestnut …).

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